Thursday, June 05, 2008










Anonymous said...

Hi, artist,

Thank you for sharing the cartoon-fish drawing steps! The fish caricature looks very lady-like and vain... Did you refer to any female model to get inspirations? Heehee, very interesting!

Tiger-Fish :)

Anonymous said...

hello! i'm dorothy & shu ming. we are quite amazed that you actually took time to take photos of the process of the work step-by-step. we think it's a really good idea because we as readers get to learn too! we love your works.

Wong Shih Yaw, Abraham said...

Hi, Dorothy & Shu Ming,

Thank you for your comments! Great that you enjoy!


Anonymous said...

hehe very sexy fish lady mr.wong...hehe next time pls give us a handsome fish man...which just like you...hehe

Anonymous said...

can you email me:, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks

Anonymous said...

Coming to your BLOG, I feel a good start!

Anonymous said...

You these things, I have read twice, for me, this is a relatively rare phenomenon!
Personalized Signature:常州麻将,常州三打一,常州攻主,常州斗地主,常州4人升级